Fine Bead Jewellery New Berber Style

Jewellery is the psychic armor
of the human form.
- Sharon Church -

At all times, every culture on earth saw the elementary canvas for decoration. And hence for art. Jewellery was always essential, never an arbitrary accessory, but a vital evidence of identity which reported on the clanship and the initiation of its owner. Parts of skin would be painted or tattooed, joints strapped (and protected at the same time), the neck would be decorated with riches of all kinds of shape and origin. Namely with beads.

Beads for the first time emerge around 40.000 years ago. Manufactured in all imaginable kinds of variations, traded in a world-wide network of relationships, shipping passages, camel roads and mule tracks.
It were the oriental berber people who would truly master the composition of beads. Since living memory those nomads have collected everything one could insert a wire in and have produced the most precious pieces of jewellery which have been passed on through generations.

Fascinated and inspired by the art of her oriental masters Tina Sackermann creates bead necklaces in „New Berber Style”. She combines old with new, orient with occident. Always does she use honest materials as required by the artist ethics.
Each bead necklace from her studio is unique. A title and certificate guarantee singularity and authenticity. In that way, also modern women feel encouraged by Tina's bead creations to make a statement like: ”I am a beautiful, powerful and preciously decorated woman – I am unique!“.
Every transaction is being made with Tina personally, preferably at her studio with a cup of tea and little delicacies.

With that way of art and trade the artist cultivates an old tradition: In the early matriarchal cultures it were the wise healers, seers and priestresses who would understand the art of collecting and who would trade in beautiful and precious goods. And trade, gods and the future bit by bit would become taken over by men, beauty remained a woman. To this day.

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